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God is Holy, Yet Merciful

by Mark Povey

Recently at our church, our pastor preached quite powerfully about God's holiness, using Isaiah 6 as a base (it may be helpful to read at least verses 1-7 before reading the rest of this message). The following are just a few thoughts which struck me then, and since I have looked at the passage again:

GOD IS HOLY - even the angels have to cover their faces to hide His glory from their eyes (v 2).

GOD IS HOLY - but He is not just holy; and he is not just holy, holy; No, God is so holy that He is described as being "Holy, Holy, Holy" (v 3). He is 3 times holy!!!

GOD IS HOLY - Isaiah immediately recognises his sad, sinful state in the presence of the holy God (v 5). We need to be constantly reminded of God's amazing, perfect and holy nature, and contrast it with our disgusting, sinful and filthy selves. Dare we ask Him to reveal more of His holiness to us?

GOD IS HOLY - yet He shows great mercy by freeing Isaiah from his inevitable guilt and by wiping away the stain of sin (v 6,7). Despite His holiness, God has gone to great lengths for us to be made clean. Praise Him for Jesus, the "once for all" sacrifice, who cleanses us and sets us free from sin!

Let's be honest with ourselves this week and allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin, our wrong attitudes and our wrong actions. Pray He'll point us more to the only Holy, Holy, Holy God.

"As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." ". - 1 Peter 1 v 14-16.

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Monday 10th February, 2025