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A Promise For All Of Us

by Tony Dobson

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" - Philippians 1:6

I was reminded of this verse recently when the song featuring this promise came to mind. I considered friends who I once sat alongside at Church and wondered where they are now. I know not all of them venture out to Church, but this verse provides me with hope for them.

More than that, it provides hope for everyone who has ever committed their lives to Christ. Life isn't an even plane, there are ups and downs. There are times when you feel close to God, and there are times when God seems more distant to us.

However when God feels distant it isn't not because He isn't still there, working in our lives, caring for us, watching over us. He has begun the work in us and it is His promise to all of us that He will complete it.

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Monday 10th February, 2025